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Team SeKON at NHLBI (the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute at NIH), had a very busy summer. COVID-19 related updates kept the team busy, as did the launch of a new Intranet Knowledge Hub (which involved multiple teams). As a result of that work, the team was recognized with two Team awards from the NHLBI Executive Office.

Additionally, after months of work behind the scenes in preparation, we implemented the Centralized Content Management Plan. To help increase efficiency in posting and consistency in content, approximately 120 NHLBI staff had Intranet editing privileges changed and are now relying on our team for their additions and updates to the Intranet. This has resulted in a noticeable uptick in the workload. We continue to be involved in overseeing this content management strategy, managing monthly workgroup meetings and enhancing the tools and communications needed to help it be successful.

Other special projects during this period included completion of a microsite archive with the NLHBI Office of Science Policy, Engagement, Education and Communications (OSPEEC), launching a COVID-19 community vaccination microsite, completing many updates to the Heart Truth public site updates [thank you Mel Wingate-Bey on both of these tasks], and working with the Intranet Integration Team and Policy groups on organizational updates to the Intranet.

Although continuing to work remotely, Team SeKON at NHLBI continues to be a very close-knit group. We meet virtually each day for a business stand-up, and we have shared in some more casual visual events too. Recently, one Friday after work, we had fun sharing our “two truths and a lie”, where we learned many interesting truths and lies about each other.