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Catching up at CDC

Catching up at CDC

The SeKON eHARS (Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System) team has been focused on two projects. The main project is the continuation of the eHARS application development with eHARS version 4.12 set to be released on July 1st. The eHARS development effort is typically set on a one-year schedule for each release and includes updates to allow for new lab processing, updated zip and clia code data, defect fixes, and upgrades to the underlying software infrastructure (i.e., Java, Wildfly, etc..). The application is delivered as part of an InstallShield package for state health departments to download and install.

As part of the eHARS contract, the SeKON development team has also been working on a re-write of the ADT (All Document Transfer) system. ADT is used to process data collected at the state level through eHARS into a centralized database at the CDC. The SeKON team has been working to update and modify the existing system to address security vulnerabilities and allow a new approach for the state level users to upload their data directly into ADT through the CDC SAMS architecture. The updated ADT system will be hosted in the new DHAP Azure cloud environment.