SeKON Adds a Tropical Flare to DHITS
The 2022 Defense Health Information Technology Symposium (DHITS) was a three-day annual conference held in Orlando, Florida the week of August 15-18 sponsored by the Defense Health Agency (DHA). DHITS attendees included government, military, and industry information technology professionals. The symposium provided a unique venue for knowledge sharing, innovative ideas, discussions of lessons learned, and the introduction of exciting and new developments within the Military Health System (MHS). DHITS offers Department of Defense (DoD) healthcare professionals an opportunity to lean-in to the MHS transformation to ensure high-quality, patient-centered care. The featured speakers this year, included. Ms. Seileen Mullen (Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs), LTG Ronald Place (Director of DHA), and Mr. Pat Flanders (CIO-DADIO & J6).
This was by far one of the more exciting DHITS to date. SeKON had a booth (position 617) which was strategically located directly across from the DHA pavilion and next to the Oracle/Cerner booths. This provided SeKON a lot of foot traffic and an opportunity for everyone to get to know us as a company and learn about our capabilities. SeKON’s booth was buzzing with visitors who were curious about our capabilities and what we have to offer. SeKON stood out as the winner not just with our uniform (thank you to our CEO. Dr. Angela Wilson, for the selection of our Hawaiian shirts) but as a respected company with a winning track for doing business with federal health agencies in Research, Engineering, Cyber Security, Configuration Management and more.
One noteworthy event we need to mention here is that SeKON recently partnered with WWT and Palantir on the Enterprise-wide Data Driven Operations Platform (EDDOP) solution. SeKON provided demo of the new solution which created extraordinary attention and interest from commercial and Federal Agency representatives. Led by our very own Darren Collins, the EDDOP team (SeKON/WWT/Palantir) provided a demo for Ken Johns who later called Dr. Wilson and expressed interest in EDDOP. Mr. Johns shared his plans to assist SeKON to advance discussion and potential implementation of our solution for MHS.