CMMI Certification Update
This year marks the three-year ‘anniversary’ of our Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) certification, using 1.3 version for Service. SeKON is in the process of preparing for a new appraisal this summer, using CMMI model 2.0.
One of the changes from v1.3 to 2.0 is the expansion of scope, to include more projects. The appraisal covers organizational processes such as training, governance, project review, and other priority areas. The appraisal team will review artifacts and conduct a readiness review prior to the appraisal. The CMMI internal team includes James Zoller, Mark Fiery, Saher Javed, Cameron Kirby, Ooha Arvapalli, LeRoy Purdie and Valerie Sayd.
The CMMI certification is a requirement or preferred qualification for some Requests for Proposals issued by the federal government, and having this credential provides SeKON with the ability to bid on such proposals.